
Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart (新好男孩 - 穿透我的心)

加入 2009-10-25 06:23:53 | 長度: 3分30秒 | 類別: 其他
讚!請點擊評分 給他打分 1 給他打分 2 給他打分 3 給他打分 4 給他打分 5 給他打分 6 給他打分 7 給他打分 8 給他打分 9 給他打分 10
人氣 3762
評分 4
評論 2
書籤 1

In the heart Of the night (夜深之際)
When it&9s dark in the lights (暗無光明)
I heard the loudest noise (震耳聲響劃破寂靜)
A gunshot on the floor (一聲槍響劃破空氣)

I looked down (我低頭看)
And my shirt&9s turning red (我的襯衫已被染紅大半)
I&9m spinning around (天旋地轉)
Felt her lips on my neck (感覺她的雙唇在我頸彎)
And her voice in my ear (她的聲音在我耳畔)
Like I missed you (仿佛在說我好想你)
Want you tonight (今晚好需要你)

Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
A single bullet got me (我再度被同一顆子彈襲擊)
I can&9t stop the bleeding (我無法止住不斷淌出的血滴)
Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
She aimed and she shot me (她瞄準了我開槍射擊)
I just can&9t believe it (讓我難以置信)
No I can&9t resist (我無法抗拒)
And I can&9t be hit (無法反擊)
I just can&9t escape this love (我無法逃離這愛情)
Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
Soldier down (防禦潰堤)
(my heart) (我的心)
Soldier down (防禦潰堤)
(my heart) (我的心)

Thought I moved more than on (以為我早就擺脫)
Thought I could fool her charm (以為我能逃過她的魔咒)
I really wanna go (我真的想走)
But I can&9t leave her alone,Oh oh (但我無法將她拋在腦後)

Hear the sound (聽到那聲音)
Of a love so loud (她愛的聲音)
I just can&9t (我揮之不去)
I just can&9t ignore this feeling (這感覺我揮之不去)
Said she misses me (她說她想我)
And she wants me,Wants me tonight (她說她需要我,就是今晚)

Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
A single bullet got me (我再度被同一顆子彈襲擊)
I can&9t stop the bleeding (我無法止住不斷淌出的血滴)
Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
She aimed and she shot me (她瞄準了我開槍射擊)
I just can&9t believe it (讓我難以置信)
No I can&9t resist (我無法抗拒)
And I can&9t be hit (無法反擊)
I just can&9t escape this love (我無法逃離這愛情)
Straight through my heart (穿透我的心)
Soldier down (防禦潰堤)
(my heart) (我的心)
Soldier down (防禦潰堤)
(my heart) (我的心)

關鍵字:  新好男孩   -   穿透我的心