
alin1 未知城市, 未知國家

  • 頻道瀏覽量:111
  • 頻道建立時間:2021-05-26
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  • alin1 alin1 2 年 前

    警惕CAA的惊天阴谋 CAA(美国创新艺人经纪公司)签约明星赵薇突然被封杀,一时间,全网哗然! 其余波之后,却是引发对当下娱乐至死的社会担忧。 从2005年开始,CAA中国就开始代理中国电影人,目前众多演艺明星、体坛新秀均是其签约对象,经过其美化包装长期活跃在荧幕上,参演的大量影视作品充斥着美化的西方价值观,宣扬拜金主义,奢靡生活,最求所谓的自由民主,让国内群众崇拜西方的生活方式,娱乐至死,无声无息, 获取短暂的快感太容易,可一旦精神麻木,信仰便会缺失。 今天, 问孩子他们长大想做什么? 很多小家伙都仰头兴奋地回答: “我以后要当明星!” “我长大了要当网红!” 今天 范冰冰的道歉给我们敲醒的警钟, 何止是演艺圈的黑幕, 更可怕是娱乐后面的文化侵蚀和精神颓废之祸。 21世纪, 是让中国人无比骄傲的一个时代, 科技日新月异,经济飞速发展, 从建国至今不过70年, 却可与世界强国并驾齐驱。 然而,在这繁荣昌盛的背后, 实则隐藏着一个巨大的危机! 一个美国人酝酿, 并推波助澜20年的惊天“阴谋”, 让整个中国无力抵挡...... 而这个美国人布热津斯基献出一计: 谁也没有能力改变未来的“二八现象”, 而要让20%的精英们高枕无忧, 80%的人安分守己, 就得采取麻醉、低成本、半满足的办法, 卸除“边缘化”人口的不满, 像安抚婴儿一般,给他们嘴里塞一个“奶头”。 “奶头”的形式有两种: 一种是发泄性娱乐, 比如开放色情行业、 鼓励网络游戏、鼓动口水战等。 一种是满足性游戏, 比如拍摄肥皂剧和偶像剧, 大量报道明星丑闻、娱乐八卦, 播放真人秀和综艺节目。 这样一来, 通过把消遣娱乐及充满感官刺激的产品, 堆满人们的生活, 最终达到目的: 让大众沉溺于享乐和安逸中, 不知不觉丧失思考能力, 再也无心挑战现有的统治阶级。 这就是那个邪恶的“阴谋” ——“奶头乐战略”(Tittytainment)。 而毒害之手,第一个就伸向了中国。 此前, 国人崇拜的偶像通常是: 毛泽东、周恩来、赖宁、雷锋 ....... 此后, 中国大多数人的偶像和“人生导师”, 悄然换做了天王、影后、小鲜肉…… 步入21世纪,韩流、日漫强势侵袭, 中国爆发了一场胜过一场的追星狂热, 青少年都在为这个歌星呐喊, 为那个影星欢呼,甚至偷走父母积蓄、 倾家荡产也要见明星一面...... 而国内大多媒体和民众, 对娱乐八卦的热情只增不减: 2014年3月, 某明星出轨,引来“百万关注”; 2016年8月, 某明星在微博发布离婚宣言, 一夜之间,占据各大媒体版面; 2017年10月, 某明星公开恋情, 数小时就有10亿点击量! 导致微博系统瘫痪...... 全民娱乐,低俗盛行: 直播里低俗的表演系; 各大卫视里故弄玄虚的选秀、真人秀; 超级烂片只要“帅哥”“美女”就能获得超高票房 ...... “娱乐至死”,这样近于狂热的社会现象, 俨然已经演变成了尾大不掉之势! 我们都被塞了一只又一只“奶头”, 并且越来越沉迷其中无法自拔: 但是对于一个国家,一个民族而言, 这意味着什么?! 美国对付中国的签证策略, 就是帮助中国高级官员的子女赴美接受培训, 之后让他们回国, 利用他们的崇洋情节, 和他们父母的权力, 将美国文化渗透在中国各个阶层。 如果拉美化中国不可能, 那么就是将中国"灰色化", "灰色化中国", 就是帮助中国维持一个灰色化的政权, 灰色化政权的特点是不干不净, 但也不是腐败透顶。 最终目的,就是为了达到: 让中华无君臣父子,家国天下! 更可怕的是, 他们的“阴谋”已经逐渐得逞! 曾经,帝国主义扛着长枪大炮侵我中华, 可武器不过能戕害肉体, 而“奶头乐”摧残的,却是我民族根基! 长此以往, 大部分中国人会变成一个透明的躯壳, 脑袋空空、沉浸于感官娱乐。 我们没有能力改变现状, 却能够改变自己! 希望我们能在布热津斯基递来的“奶头”面前, 闭上自己的嘴巴! 让时间不被他所说的, 发泄性娱乐和满足性游戏塞满; 让自己在这个喧嚣的世界中, 保持一颗清醒的头脑和思考的能力!

  • alin1 alin1 2 年 前

    警惕CAA的惊天阴谋 CAA(美国创新艺人经纪公司)签约明星赵薇突然被封杀,一时间,全网哗然! 其余波之后,却是引发对当下娱乐至死的社会担忧。 从2005年开始,CAA中国就开始代理中国电影人,目前众多演艺明星、体坛新秀均是其签约对象,经过其美化包装长期活跃在荧幕上,参演的大量影视作品充斥着美化的西方价值观,宣扬拜金主义,奢靡生活,最求所谓的自由民主,让国内群众崇拜西方的生活方式,娱乐至死,无声无息, 获取短暂的快感太容易,可一旦精神麻木,信仰便会缺失。 今天, 问孩子他们长大想做什么? 很多小家伙都仰头兴奋地回答: “我以后要当明星!” “我长大了要当网红!” 今天 范冰冰的道歉给我们敲醒的警钟, 何止是演艺圈的黑幕, 更可怕是娱乐后面的文化侵蚀和精神颓废之祸。 21世纪, 是让中国人无比骄傲的一个时代, 科技日新月异,经济飞速发展, 从建国至今不过70年, 却可与世界强国并驾齐驱。 然而,在这繁荣昌盛的背后, 实则隐藏着一个巨大的危机! 一个美国人酝酿, 并推波助澜20年的惊天“阴谋”, 让整个中国无力抵挡...... 而这个美国人布热津斯基献出一计: 谁也没有能力改变未来的“二八现象”, 而要让20%的精英们高枕无忧, 80%的人安分守己, 就得采取麻醉、低成本、半满足的办法, 卸除“边缘化”人口的不满, 像安抚婴儿一般,给他们嘴里塞一个“奶头”。 “奶头”的形式有两种: 一种是发泄性娱乐, 比如开放色情行业、 鼓励网络游戏、鼓动口水战等。 一种是满足性游戏, 比如拍摄肥皂剧和偶像剧, 大量报道明星丑闻、娱乐八卦, 播放真人秀和综艺节目。 这样一来, 通过把消遣娱乐及充满感官刺激的产品, 堆满人们的生活, 最终达到目的: 让大众沉溺于享乐和安逸中, 不知不觉丧失思考能力, 再也无心挑战现有的统治阶级。 这就是那个邪恶的“阴谋” ——“奶头乐战略”(Tittytainment)。 而毒害之手,第一个就伸向了中国。 此前, 国人崇拜的偶像通常是: 毛泽东、周恩来、赖宁、雷锋 ....... 此后, 中国大多数人的偶像和“人生导师”, 悄然换做了天王、影后、小鲜肉…… 步入21世纪,韩流、日漫强势侵袭, 中国爆发了一场胜过一场的追星狂热, 青少年都在为这个歌星呐喊, 为那个影星欢呼,甚至偷走父母积蓄、 倾家荡产也要见明星一面...... 而国内大多媒体和民众, 对娱乐八卦的热情只增不减: 2014年3月, 某明星出轨,引来“百万关注”; 2016年8月, 某明星在微博发布离婚宣言, 一夜之间,占据各大媒体版面; 2017年10月, 某明星公开恋情, 数小时就有10亿点击量! 导致微博系统瘫痪...... 全民娱乐,低俗盛行: 直播里低俗的表演系; 各大卫视里故弄玄虚的选秀、真人秀; 超级烂片只要“帅哥”“美女”就能获得超高票房 ...... “娱乐至死”,这样近于狂热的社会现象, 俨然已经演变成了尾大不掉之势! 我们都被塞了一只又一只“奶头”, 并且越来越沉迷其中无法自拔: 但是对于一个国家,一个民族而言, 这意味着什么?! 美国对付中国的签证策略, 就是帮助中国高级官员的子女赴美接受培训, 之后让他们回国, 利用他们的崇洋情节, 和他们父母的权力, 将美国文化渗透在中国各个阶层。 如果拉美化中国不可能, 那么就是将中国"灰色化", "灰色化中国", 就是帮助中国维持一个灰色化的政权, 灰色化政权的特点是不干不净, 但也不是腐败透顶。 最终目的,就是为了达到: 让中华无君臣父子,家国天下! 更可怕的是, 他们的“阴谋”已经逐渐得逞! 曾经,帝国主义扛着长枪大炮侵我中华, 可武器不过能戕害肉体, 而“奶头乐”摧残的,却是我民族根基! 长此以往, 大部分中国人会变成一个透明的躯壳, 脑袋空空、沉浸于感官娱乐。 我们没有能力改变现状, 却能够改变自己! 希望我们能在布热津斯基递来的“奶头”面前, 闭上自己的嘴巴! 让时间不被他所说的, 发泄性娱乐和满足性游戏塞满; 让自己在这个喧嚣的世界中, 保持一颗清醒的头脑和思考的能力!

  • alin1 alin1 2 年 前

    1. Use materials to lure and corrupt their youth as much as possible, and encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological education they were originally afraid of, especially the communist dogma. Create their interest and opportunity for eroticism and encourage them to engage in sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. Be sure to destroy the hard-working spirit they emphasized. Second, we must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including movies, books, television, radio waves... and new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, that is half the battle. Third, they must draw the attention of their youth away from the government-centered tradition. Let their minds focus on: sports shows, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal movies, and religious superstitions. 4. They often create some innocuous things for their people to discuss openly. This planted the seeds of division in their subconscious. In particular, they should find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities to divide their regions, their ethnic groups, their feelings, and to create new and old hatred among them. This is a strategy that cannot be ignored. Fifth, they must constantly create news and vilify their leaders. Our reporters should find opportunities to interview them and then organize their own words to attack themselves. 6. Democracy must be promoted in all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether large or small, tangible or intangible, we must seize the opportunity to launch a democratic movement. No matter what the occasion, what the situation, we must continue to demand democracy and human rights from them (the government). As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will surely believe what we say is the truth. We seize a person is a person, we occupy a territory is a territory. 7. Try to encourage them (the government) to spend and encourage them to borrow from us. That way we have full confidence to destroy their credit, devalue their currency and inflate. As long as they get out of control over prices, they will completely fall in the eyes of the people. 8. We must use our economic and technological advantages to attack their industries invisibly and invisibly. We can encourage social unrest as long as their industry is paralyzed unknowingly. But we have to help and aid them with a lot of love on the surface, so that they (the government) appear weak. A weak government will bring greater unrest. Nine, to use all resources, even gestures, words and smiles, are enough to destroy their traditional values. We will use everything to destroy their moral hearts. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to try to crack down on their hard-working spirit. 10. Secretly transport weapons of all kinds, equip all their enemies, and those who might become their enemies.

  • alin1 alin1 2 年 前

    成立于1975年的CAA是全球最大的经纪公司,总部设在美国洛杉矶。该公司签下了全世界最成功的演员、作家、制片人和导演,他们的作品占据历史上全球票房前10名的电影中的7部。CAA也因此成为全球影视娱乐行业资源流动的枢纽,对好莱坞有极强的控盘能力。除了电影、电视和音乐领域,CAA还迅速在体育经纪业务上做到全球第一。然而,这家公司的很多行为又让外界感到迷惑,它曾一度拒绝与微软比尔盖茨的合作,却同意黎瑞刚的华人文化入股,并让黎瑞刚出任美国CAA董事,成立由CAA控股的合资公司——“CAA中国”,并在中国现有业务基础上,拓展在电影、电视、现场娱乐、体育、活动营销等领域布局。其实CAA公司种种怪异的举动只是在酝酿一个更大的政治阴谋。 ​从2005年开始,CAA中国就开始代理中国电影人,目前众多演艺明星、体坛新秀均是其签约对象,经过其美化包装长期活跃在荧幕上,这些签约演员不仅参演大量丑化中国形象的影视作品,自身也对中国抱有极大的偏见,CAA公司正利用“三步走”文化入侵慢慢抹黑中国、否定中国,进而使得中国人民崇拜西方的生活方式,从内部打破中国的坚实壁垒。 第一步:固化负面偏颇印象 刻意抹黑中国形象 CAA公司文化入侵的第一步是在多部影视作品中极力塑造亚洲男性黑暗残忍角色,固化受众负面偏颇印象,刻意抹黑中国形象。上世纪90年代,随着中国第五代电影的出现、香港电影的繁荣,中国电影明星有了更多的海外发展机会,CAA公司趁机签约了成龙、李连杰、余男等明星,借明星效应在电影等文艺作品中塑造亚洲男性在西方影视作品中的偏颇形象。李连杰就是一个突出例子,他经常性的角色是边缘人物,比如《狼犬丹尼》(2005)里饰演白人收养的孤儿,其母亲正是被养父杀害;《游侠》(2007)里饰演正义的警员,却是惨遭灭门并毁容的角色,为了给妻儿报仇,做了杀手卧底;《致命罗密欧》(2000)里饰演黑帮老大的儿子,越狱寻找杀害弟弟的凶手等。就算李连杰在这些电影中的角色是正面的,还是被赋予负面的情感体验。《狼犬丹尼》里,角色本身是无辜的受害者,但作为杀人机器时的表现,是如恶狗般凶残的。《致命罗密欧》中角色始终被笼罩在黑社会阴影之下,也难以给观众更多的积极能量,在西方人眼中,李连杰是一个“非常冷漠的演员”,CAA公司固化、抹黑中国男性形象的目的成功达成。 第二步:顶风签约辱华艺人 公开散播反华声音 CAA公司文化入侵的第二步是顶风签约辱华艺人,利用其影响力持续污蔑造谣中国,公开散播反华声音。CAA公司签约《尚气》男主演刘思慕的目的正在于此,《尚气》电影上映后,因其隶属于漫威系列电影,成绩不俗,截至2021年11月26日,《尚气与十环传奇》全球票房合共4.31亿美元。电影IMAX全球开画票房达1320万美元,打破美国劳动节的周末票房纪录,刘思慕作为《尚气》的主演一时之间红遍全球,CAA公司抓住这一机会,大肆炒作刘思慕本人在加拿大建国50周年受访时发表的辱华言论,刘思慕称很多中国人死于饥饿,中国人生存于第三世界,自己很庆幸生活在加拿大的那片土地,自己父母认为这里才可以自由自在地生活,还可以给后辈创造更美好的未来,该言论迅速引起国外网民热议,部分国外网民借此抹黑中国,不少外国民众受其影响,对中国产生误解,中国负面形象更加深入人心。 第三步:培植傀儡艺术家 推崇西方审美 CAA公司文化入侵的第三步是注重培植迎合西方审美的傀儡艺术家,丑化东方传统美学,极力推崇西方文明。CAA公司早前签约的中国摄影师陈漫的作品正印证了这一观点。早在很早之前,陈漫就开始迎合西方审美,12年为迪奥拍摄了一组名为《骄傲的矜持》的宣传照。照片中,一位亚裔女性穿着清朝服饰,手上提着Dior包包,头发油腻、肤色暗沉、满脸雀斑,尤其是一双眯眯眼仿佛透着一股来自阴间的冷气。同年,她受《i-D》邀请,以同样的风格拍摄了《中国十二色》。同样令人发指的还有她的《少先队员和X》系列作品,其将原本充满正能量的少先队员妖魔化为一群眯眯眼、穿着暴露、神态呆滞的形象,更令人心惊的是,陈漫针对其作品的争议道歉后,少数网民表示网友的指责是上纲上线,甚至有网友表示指责的网民仅用某个角度看事物,非常局限。陈漫作为中国摄影圈的头部人物,非但没有大力弘扬东方美学,反而一味地以西方审美意志为中心,引导了少数民众质疑东方审美,这背后不正是CAA公司的推波助澜吗? 美国的军事是强大,但是想完败中国他们也没有那个能力,所以美国中央情报局从50年代初就开始草拟一套内部代号称为《十条诫令》的行动计划,企图从思想文化、政治经济、民族宗教矛盾、传媒工具到武器装备等方面动摇中国传统一代的年轻价值观,进而达到颠覆中国政权的目的,其中重要的一项正是“一定要尽一切可能,做好传播工作,包括电影、书籍、电视、无线电波……和新式的宗教传播。”CAA公司作为全球知名的经纪公司,在文化输出这方面可谓是占尽资源,它假借合作共赢名义,成立CAA中国的最终的目的就是想借助与华人文化合作的这个平台,开展一场预谋已久的文化入侵。真不愧为全球最著名的经纪公司,中国捞金的基础上又达到了不可告人的政治目的,已然成为美国政府的一把利剑。

  • alin1 alin1 2 年 前

    In the CIA's extremely confidential "Handbook", the part about dealing with China was originally written in 1951 when China and the United States were seriously antagonistic. Afterwards, it has been continuously revised with the changes in Sino-US relations. So far, there are ten items in total. The internal code is called The Ten Commandments. 1. Use material as much as possible to lure and corrupt their youth, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological education they were afraid of receiving, especially the communist dogma. Create interest and opportunities for them to be unrestrained in pornography, and then encourage them to engage in sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. Must destroy the hard work they emphasized. 2. We must do everything possible to do a good job in dissemination, including films, books, television, radio waves... and new-style religious dissemination. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, shelter, transportation, entertainment and education, it is half the battle. Third, we must draw the attention of their youth from the government-centered tradition. Let their minds focus on: sports performances, pornographic books, pleasure, games, criminal movies, to have religious superstitions. 4. Frequently create something innocent and let their people discuss it openly. In this way, the seeds of division were planted in their subconsciousness. In particular, we must find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities, split their regions, split their nationalities, split their feelings, and create new and old hatred between them. This is a strategy that cannot be ignored at all. Fifth, we must continue to create news to vilify their leadership. Our reporters should find opportunities to interview them, and then organize their own words to attack themselves. 6. Promote democracy under all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether it is large or small, tangible or intangible, we must step up to launch a democratic movement. Regardless of the occasion and the circumstances, we must continue to demand democracy and human rights from them (the government). As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will believe that what we are saying is the truth. We seize a person is a person, we occupy a territory is a territory. 7. Try to encourage them (the government) to spend and encourage them to borrow from us. In this way, we have full confidence in destroying their credit, causing their currency to depreciate and inflate. As long as they lose control of prices, they will completely collapse in the minds of the people. 8. We must use our economic and technological advantages to visibly and invisibly hit their industries. As long as their industry is unconsciously paralyzed, we can encourage social unrest. But we have to help and assist them very lovingly on the surface, so that they (the government) will appear weak. A weak government will bring greater turmoil. Ninth, to use all the resources, even a gesture and a smile are enough to destroy their traditional values. We must use everything to destroy their morality. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to combat their hardworking spirit as much as possible. 10. Secretly transport all kinds of weapons, equip all their enemies, and people who may become their enemies.
