
歌舞青春-Right Here,Right Now ( 好聽~~ )

加入 2013-02-07 04:18:17 | 長度: 4分10秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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Right Here Right Now(此時此刻): 在慶祝野貓雙屆冠軍時,特洛伊和凱碧談到未來,藉此曲告訴對方要珍惜現在



Can you imagine, what would happen

if we could have any dream.

I'd wish this moment, was ours to own it

and that it would never leave.

Then I would thank that star,

that made our wish come true

Cause he knows that where you are, is where I should be too.

Right Here, Right Now

I’m looking at you, and my heart loves the view

Cause you mean everything

Right Here, I promise you somehow

That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be

But right now there's you and me.


It feels like forever, what could be better?

We've already proved it was.

That two thousand words, twenty three hours, have blended the universe.

It's gonna be, everything

in our whole world changed

it starts changing

and do know that when we are,

our memory's the same

oh no,oh no

[Troy & Gabriella]

Right Here, Right Now

I'm looking at you,and my heart loves the view

Cause you mean everything

Right Here, I promise you somehow (somehow were gonna)

That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be

But right now there's you and me.

Oh we know it's coming

Oh it's coming fast

It's always you and me,

So let's make this second last

make it last.

Right here,

Oh Right now.

Yeah I’m looking at you,

And my heart loves the view

’Cause you mean everything

[Troy & Gabriella]

Right Here, I promise you somehow.

That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be

But right now there's you and me

You and me

You and me

Oh You and me

But right now there's you and me

關鍵字:  歌舞青春   Right   Here,   Right   Now