
- :)), Taiwan

  • Views:2,357
  • Created:2012-02-05
  • 2 Fans
  • 3 Friend
  • 11 Upload

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10 年 前

Groove Coverage-god is a girl

Remembering me, discover and see, All over the world, she&9s known as a girl, To those who are free,…More

5comment 6048


10 年 前


皮鞋已擦亮 梳齊了頭髮 全身行頭是妳愛的模樣 妳給我暗號 哭泣或微笑 開心就好 沒關係 我問我自己 我到底是誰 別沉默不語難道又無解 從來不反對 妳說的一切 當個傀儡 為何 我連快樂 …More

6comment 2749


10 年 前


Red one Let&9s go to the beach, each Let&9s go get away They say, what they gonna say? Have a drink,…More

2comment 4542


10 年 前

Stevie Hoang - I'll Be Fine

Stevie Hoang - I&9ll Be Fine its better if we don&9t speak at all, at all, at all its better if we…More

2comment 2910


10 年 前

Fiona Fung - Forever Friends

Fiona Fung--Forever Friends 永遠的朋友 I believe I can love 我相信我能夠愛 You give me your loving care 你給予我愛的關…More

1comment 3982